Classic Shell

Old'n'Style port [Classic 1/2] and [7 Style]
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Author:  juniper7 [ Tue Jan 14, 2020 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Old'n'Style port [Classic 1/2] and [7 Style]

Old'n'Style port [Classic 1/2] and [7 Style] for CSM version 4.3.1

For display sizes 100%/96dpi,125%/120dpi,150%/144dpi

This is another distinctive looking opaque start menu port borrowed from the Old'n'Style WindowBlinds theme made by weirdoo over 10 years ago:

The start menu has a pale khaki color, almost gold look to it, along with metal/wood border trim,
and glassy look selector buttons.

I did make a couple of changes to the selector buttons.
Made them with different slicing/stretching to have consistent look with 100%/125%/150% display sizes,
as well as making them transparent to the menu so they match the brightness of the menu behind.
Thanks to fonpaolo on using Gimp "Color to alpha" function.
I did put in an opaque buttons option so buttons look darker at the top, brighter at bottom of the menu (brightness similar to original).
As well, I put in the dark brown "All Programs" selector button option too. At first, I thought the selector color was a bug,
but I tried different upgrade service patches of XP, and WindowBlinds 5 and 6 versions and Vista, and got the same results.

The XP shutdown icons at bottom of the menu have some of the looks of original, but that's as far as I can take it,
for trying to fake two separate original button operations from one button in CSM does not work out correctly. :)

There is no user picture option for this menu.
The "Darker text" option is only slightly darker.

Also, there is an unfixable refresh issue with the inside program's tree. This skin, as well as all other skins that use a texture gradient menu image along with "Programs_background=transparent" text in skin file,
suffer from visible blocks of rectangular darker/lighter areas in the programs tree area(a rectangle area is moved further down).
If the mouse cursor is moved out of tree area, or cursor moves over the affected area, it visually goes back to normal.
I doubt this issue will ever be fixed here or on Open-Shell fork.
If this bug bugs you, switch to outside programs submenu "Cascading sub-menu" option.
I just added an extra option to have the inner programs area a flat color same as when WindowBlinds theme that is used on Vista.
This option will eliminate the bug.

Thanks to creator weirdoo for his artistic work, all those years ago.

Old'n'Style port, Start button, [1.68 MiB]
Downloaded 4261 times
Old'n'Style.png [ 203.73 KiB | Viewed 80938 times ]
Old'n'Style options.png
Old'n'Style options.png [ 63.4 KiB | Viewed 80938 times ]

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