WIN7LIKE (Windows 7 style)
Tweaky tweak tweak.
The short of it:
Using modified Win7 screenshots and CSM aero skin mods,
changed it to look closer to the original Win 7 menu, on Win 7 operating system.
It's close, but no vape cigar.
Can be used on Windows 10, just won't look the same,
because of the different characteristics of different type of blur,
transparency, colors, and MS secrets.
The long blah, blah, blah:
Using skin on Windows 7 operating system.
Could only get so far, where the color/brightness matches up with the taskbar.
Toyed with brightness, opacity transparency, and color amount.
I could not achieve a 100% match in all cases.
Half of wallpaper MS themes work quite well. The other half doesn't have the right brightness/color ratio.
I can make bitmaps look exactly like say, the default "Windows 7" background logo picture,
then the menu is too bright on other themes.
Using the "Override glass color" option in CSM, can help on a case by case basis, for matching.
In my eyes, the "Menu color blending" tends to adjust the brightness of the menu bitmap itself,
not so much the Luminance and Chrominance ratio of MS signal. (old tv tech)

So as always, made the compromise to have everything halfway. So nothing will match exactly.
No home runs, but will be in the ballpark. For myself, I have Override color option, turned off.
The file got kind of big, because the default setting uses a larger menu/mask bitmap,
with dither noise to hide most of the brightness steps.
(low bit color makes horizontal step lines, similar to most so-called HD TVs, which are low bit as well).
Added back some refinements.
I brightened up the shutdown button. Even looked at the original button in Msstyles. It looks the same dark. I guess I know what premultiplied images are now. It compresses everything darker. Don't know the formula to reverse it, so I brightened rgb to the max, then brightened alpha channel appropriately. Added option for half user picture glare, or none. The original glare is too much.
Skin appears to work ok in High DPI. Had a problem with the user picture showing up when it's not supposed to.
I think it's fixed now. I separated the text from regular HIGH DPI. I did not copy every little detail from the original.
It would take a month of Sundays to get everything perfect. It would get confusing too.
Is this CSM, or real?

Ok, so on Win7.
Set menu to "High" option.
This will match the taskbar in most cases, except when MS does some brightness twiddling,
which I could not find out how. I am only a layman, so I guess there is a different glass color access point, or
Einstein formula going on the system?
Using skin on Windows 10 operating system.
I decided to add an option to make the skin more usable on Win 10.
By decreasing the glass opacity, the strong dark Win 10 colors are reduced to resemble Win7 start menu.
Win 10 uses totally different properties, so don't expect too much. You won't have the wide variety of colors to choose from.
I was thinking of putting the Win 7 diagonal bars in the alpha channel of the menu bitmaps, for Win 10 use.
The skin would have to be huge, so forget it.
Anyway, if you are on Win10,
pick the "low" setting, pick "On Win 10", and set the "Taskbar opacity", (in CSM "Windows 10 Settings" tab) to 55.
If you want more blur, you will have to go into the menu look tab.
Change the "Glass opacity" to 25, and "Taskbar opacity" down to 30.
The "med" option, with "On Win 10" is more like the original CSM Aero skin.
Set taskbar, and menu glass opacity back to regular values, for matching taskbar.
Was going to make the menu borders have more white.
Decided not to, as the taskbar can't have it with matching lines.
Thank you, Ivo, for letting us mod your Aero skin.

EDIT: Just changed the picture, to show the highlight red squares for two different operating systems, for comparing.
I probably made close to one hundred bitmaps with minor & major changes along the way, to get skin the way it looks.
EDIT: Added combined skin "Full Glass WIN7LIKE" and "WIN7LIKE" to become "WIN7LIKE COMBO"
EDIT: Added option; white text with shadow on glass areas.[WIN7LIKE COMBO revC.skin7]
EDIT: I forgot to put picture frame for 84 pixels. [WIN7LIKE COMBO revC.skin7]
Now put in. One to match most common sizes.
100%=48 pixels
125%=60 pixels
134%=64 pixels
150%=72 pixels
175%=84 pixels
200%=96 pixels
268%=128 pixels
EDIT: There is also "WIN7LIKE COMBO revD" skin.7 at bottom of post.
It has a request to include the reflection diagonal bars image from Win7 beta build 6801.
The image is slightly different looking.
EDIT: I have upgraded the original
WIN7LIKE .skin7 to revision B4 and
WIN7LIKE COMBO.skin7 to revision EThey are at the bottom of this forum page.