UPDATE In case anybody wants the skin I was talking about with Spearoid, a few posts above, I finished it. Read below.
Metro-Win10-Black-Glyphs [WIN7 style]
I carried over features that were in the Classic 2 column skin.
This version of mrbumpy409 skin has option to turn on glyphs screenshot on second column.
Most of glyphs are from a font file in Windows 10, Dave Stewart's, or some made by hand.
Have to stress, you can't change the way the second column looks.
Positions stuck that way, can't customize it.
Can only work at exactly 100%/96dpi , or 125%/120dpi, or 150%/144dpi.
The glyph emblem is only a image of all the glyphs in one picture, not separate icons.
The option can only be used when menu is set up with the default entries in the second column.
It will go out of alignment, if not exact.
If another entry is required with a glyph,
set the link position below "Run" command with "Customize Start Menu" tab in CSM settings.
If an extra glyph folder is picked without a link set,
there may not be enough padding at shutdown button. Pick "none" in this case.
I included a default xml setup file.
I changed the large icon size to 24 size for use with 100% menu size.
This only affects column 1, not column 2.
For 150% menu size, change to 36 large icon size.
Menu shadow is turned off.
I turned on "Overide glass color" setting to 404040 setting, in order to reduce the small amount of glass color.
If you want that weak color, uncheck the overide box.
I turned on "Downloads" glyph. If you don't want it, set Glyph folder to none, and turn off Downloads link in "Customize Start Menu."
Skin is for Win10, appears to work on Win8.
Oddly, half works on Win7. Have to turn off Metro Accent icon frames,
and because Win7 does not have a Metro "PC settings" link, glyphs are all out of wack unusable.
I guess a different link could be set up to replace PC settings, but this plain skin does not match the look of the Win7 system, anyway.
If you hate the game glyph link, not much one can do.
If you want to edit out the game glyph with a different one,
the main glyph png images strips are:
Image 101 100% size
Image 103 150% size
Image 102 125% size
I had to make mrbumpy409 selector more transparent, for the fake glyphs would be hard to see underneath.
Thanks Mr Bumpy and cheerio.

EDIT: I borrowed user picture frame from shpkong's skin,
so is now User-Picture-Outside skin. U-P-O.
Forgot to put metro search arrows in - fixed.